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P/054/2023- Smt. Visma A
The appellant smt. Visma is a consumer to the licensee under Kedakulam electrical section, Varkala, TVM with a tariff LT IV A (3phase). The registered connected load of the appellant is 90kW and the contract demand is 99kVA for running a plywood manufacturing company. The connection was effected on 04/04/2016. The recorded demand of the appellant is regularly exceeded 100kVA which is a violation of the contract agreement. The APTS squad of the licensee inspected the consumer premises on 24/09/2022 and found that the connected load is 155.415kw which means an additional load of 65.415 was connected to the installation. The officials of the licensee called and informed that an amount of Rs. 47,450.15/- was outstanding which was not known to the consumer. The bill dated 4/02/2023 was not served to the appellant. The AE issued a letter dated 04/08/2023 stating that details of low voltage surcharge and also how this is applicable to the appellant. Aggrieved by the decision of AE, the appellant approached CGRF and CGRF issued order dated 27/09/2023 stating that the appellant is liable to pay the disputed bill. Aggrieved with the decision of the CGRF, this review petition is filed to this authority. 


Size 165.08 KB
Downloads 693
Created 2023-12-28 04:13:10
