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P/056/2023- The Secretary, TRIDA
The appellant Thiruvananthapuram Development Authority (TRIDA) owns a shopping complex named as Kedaram complex at Kesavadasapuram Junction, Thiruvananthapuram. One of the shop was rented out to Smt. Sharma Satheesan and KSEB has given the service connection with consumer number: 11455166017549 with the consent of TRIDA. Consumer defaulted the payment of current charges and the power supply was disconnected on 07/21 and the dismantling was effected on 14/04/2022. The TRIDA has given letter to the licensee on 22/09/2021 to disconnect the power supply as the occupier has vacated the premises. The appellant have been re-issued the shops to another person but the licensee was not ready to give new connection as the outstanding payment was not cleared. The appellant TRIDA was forced to pay the arrears to the licensee. The main allegation was that the power supply was not dismantled as per the request of the appellant and fixed charges were charged up to 14/04/2022 and the entire charges paid by TRIDA is to be refunded. The appellant filed the petition to CGRF and CGRF issued order dated 23/06/2023 stating that the bills are to be revised by charging fixed charges for 180 days from the date of disconnection. Aggrieved by the decision of the CGRF, this appeal petition is filed to this authority.


Size 157.88 KB
Downloads 496
Created 2024-02-05 05:26:47
